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ANGKOR WAT - Astonishing Lost City of Worship
Angkor Wat is huge ancient site of temples, the size of a modern city, near Siem Riep Cambodia. It was hidden by dense overgrowth and forests for centuries. Its thousands of statues, hundreds of temples, towers, walls, tombs, and related structures are overwhelming. An experience you cannot miss.
Here is a map to show the extent of the multiple related sites
BAYON of Angkor Thom
Angkor Thom's ground are actually larger than those of Angkor Wat, and within it are many temples. Entering the East Gate you cross a bridge over a moat guarded by many spirits.
The theme of Bayon is many ethereally staring faces.
The sheer number of carvings is mind boggling.
With its eerily tree covered striuctures, Ta Prohm most clearly shows how the entire complex had been entirely lost under dense jungles.
Angkor Wat commands your attention even from afar. It is surrounded by a huge moat and a vast wall. Inside you find thousands of intricate carvings, majestic ruins of buildings and temples to climb and walk around in, and even some monks to chat with.